Vision The vision of the Community Health Nursing branch is to be a center of excellence in preparing students professionally, and providing them with the capabilities necessary to provide health care to the individual, the family, and the community. the message The mission of the Community Health Branch is to prepare specialized nurses, who are able to meet the needs of safe health care for all segments of society, within the framework of international nursing education standards, by providing competencies for specialized nursing practice. Objectives Provide quality education to students in the field of community health nursing. Preparing students to become leaders and have professional competence that enables them to deal with local community environments. To emphasize the importance of health education in all local communities; In order to increase the awareness of the individual, family, and society towards achieving self-care. Cooperating with governmental and non-governmental organizations in meeting health needs. Contribute to the enhancement of community knowledge through research and health education. Chairman: Instructor Ali Hussein Abbas
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