The simulation lab is considered one of the most important scientific laboratories in the College of Nursing / University of Al-Muthanna, where simulation dolls are used to help college students apply many nursing care procedures, including Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) exercises and emergency care practice Care) and other critical cases, as well as training in physical examination methods for the patient through simulation technology, such as hearing breathing sounds, heart rate, and bowel movement.... These dolls help students develop clinical work within hospitals and       gain confidence in      their abilities   by learning a new clinical scenario in a controlled environment and receiving feedback in         addition to enhancing patient safety. The importance of this laboratory comes in light of scientific progress in the field of nursing sciences and recent trends in nursing training and the need to bridge the gaps in theoretical study and practical application before dealing with the patient. The curriculum is in a semi-real and virtual educational environment that touches reality and is used as an educational strategy that contributes to patient safety and improve care outcomes, providing training opportunities for students and taking care of clinical cases within safe plans without posing a risk to the patient. The laboratory aims to provide a semi-real environment for practical application using simulators and providing An environment to develop students’ clinical skills, bridge the gap between theoretical and practical education, and enhance patient safety in nursing education by preventing medication errors, developing critical thinking skills and making clinical decisions for students.
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