The College of Nursing Win the “First employee Awards”
27 February,2022Al-Muthanna Nursing Achieve the Top One National College
3 March,2022Al-Muthanna Nursing Present Workshop
Al-Muthanna Nursing Present Workshop
The Basic Sciences section organized a scientific workshop entitled "The Effect of Drugs on Humans" The workshop was presented by Dr. Haider Hamid mitaab and dr. Hussain Ali Khayoun.The workshop showed on the damage caused by drug addiction to humans, whether psychological and mental damage, or in the organs of the body such as the heart, liver and brain in terms of changes in the structure of the brain.On the other hand, Dr. Hussain Ali Khayoun explain the mechanism of drug action inside the brain, the mechanism of neuronal interference, and the transmission and reception of neurons. In addition, the workshop dealt with the study of the parts of the brain that are affected by drug addiction, with reference to the means of detection and treatment of the effect of the drug.
Risks of Drugs abuse
The Drugs Abuse not only kill You. its influence on your life style, by effects your brain, thoughts and personality. THE TIME IS BEGIN TO CALL FOR HELP