Introduction: It is one of the widest branches of the College of Nursing, as it contains the largest number of scientific vocabulary, and it is a basic scientific pillar upon which the student relies on learning the general basic medical sciences needed by the students of the College of Nursing, which later qualifies them to understand the specialized nursing sciences. Teaching in the branch is carried out by professors with competence, competence, and experience in halls and laboratories equipped with modern necessary equipment and supplies, in order to achieve the mission and objectives of the College of Nursing by graduating university nurses who possess knowledge, skill, professionalism and the ability to provide the best health services to care for the individual and the community. Branch message: The Basic Sciences branch is a major source of knowledge in the College of Nursing. It is concerned with teaching courses that form a basis in understanding medical and health sciences and contributes to all the scientific and research activities of the College. Branch goals: Delivering knowledge and skill to students in basic sciences. Promoting and activating joint scientific research between medical sciences and nursing sciences. Harnessing human and technical capabilities to provide scientific services to various social strata. Preparing a nursing cadre specialized in the use of modern health technologies and devices. Chairman: Assistant Professor Dr. Tayseer Abdul-Ilah

Dr. Rusul Yahea

Faculty Member

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